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Welcome to  Janssen Pro

A dedicated resource for Canadian Healthcare Professionals to easily access patient support materials, information on how to contact us and order samples.

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What will you find on Janssenpro?

Vials filled with green liquid in a Janssen research lab.

Product Information

Find up-to-date information on Janssen medicines.

A pharmacist discusses a Janssen product with a patient.

Patient Support Materials

Download patient brochures, caregiver information and coverage information.

A Canadian HCP engages in a virtual consultation with a patient.

Support Your Practice

Request samples and find useful tools for your practice.

Therapeutic Areas

Discover disease state information and share resources and tools with your colleagues and patients.

Janssen Science™

A resource for licensed Canadian Healthcare Professionals to access Janssen learning activities.

Enter Janssen Science™
A group of healthcare professionals in lab coats, listening attentively.